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Naoya Takeda

Naoya Takeda - Agricultural & Environmental scientist



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SDGs Goal 3 Good Health and Well-Being

SDGs Goal 3 is "Good Health and Well-Being" - Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages


SDGs Goal 2 Zero Hunger

SDGs Goal 2 is "Zero Hunger" - End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture


SDGs Goal 1 No Poverty

SDGs Goal 1 is "No Poverty" - End poverty in all its forms everywhere


IPCC 第6次評価報告書(AR6) WG1 まとめのまとめ

IPCC(気候変動に関する政府間パネル)から、第6次評価報告書が公表されました。気候変動の調査報告で最も権威があり包括的な報告書でしょう。このポストではその要約であるSummary for Policymakers(SPM)からさらに重要な部分を日本語でまとめます。


Sustainable Development

Sustainable development has been in the centre of my career interests since my undergrad. I have been working on this big theme from agricultural perspetive and would like to re-think this to overview my research interests and surounding topics. This post is an introductory and summarising one for a series of relevant posts (hopefully coming more frequently!).