Softwareexpo-auth-sessionとFirebase login (Google & Apple signin)React Native + Expoでのアプリ開発におけるFirebaseログイン(今回はGoogleとApple)の実装の記録。
SoftwareExpo MediaLibrary to select multiple photosHow to select multiple photos in React Native + Expo app using MediaLibrary... ImagePicker has been an easy and popular way to select a photo, but not able to select multiple photos.
SoftwareLife Report 5. csv exportSome technical notes on my first ios app "Life Report". This article focuses on csv export using FileSystem and Sharing.
SoftwareLife Report 2. HooksSome technical notes on my first ios app "Life Report". This article focuses on Hooks.
SoftwareLife Report 3. React Navigation v5Some technical notes on my first ios app "Life Report". This article focuses on React Navigtaion v5.
SoftwareLife Report 4. react-native-chart-kitSome technical notes on my first ios app "Life Report". This article focuses on react-native-chart-kit.
SoftwareLife Report 1. SQLiteSome technical notes on my first ios app "Life Report". This article focuses on expo-SQLite.
SoftwareA language app using google API, Unstated and AsyncstorageA prototype of ios app for language learning, focusing on google API, Unstated and Asyncstorage.